HIV Scientific Papers

Cost-Effectiveness of ibalizumab versus routine clinical care in heavily treatment experienced (HTE) people with HIV in the United States (US)
Brandon Cash, Lydia Walder, Cianne Park, Andrew Laws
Tesamorelin reduces visceral adipose tissue and liver fat in INSTI-treated persons with HIV
Taryn McLaughlin, Takara L Stanley , Lindsay T Fourman , Steve Grinspoon
Virologic effectiveness of ibalizumab clinical trial experience compared to real-world clinical care without ibalizumab in the OPERA® Cohort
Laurence Brunet, Michele L. Jonsson Funk, R Brandon Cash, Jennifer S. Fusco, Lydia Walder, Andrew Laws, Michael Wohlfeiler, Michael Sension, Gregory P. Fusco
Achieving virological control in pan-resistant HIV-1 infection: A case series
Diana Canetti, Camilla Muccini, Vincenzo Spagnuolo, Laura Galli, Andrea Poli, Nicola Gianotti, Marcello Feasi, and Antonella Castagna,
The Lancet Vol 77 Month March, 2022 11
HIV-1 Non-Group M Phenotypic Susceptibility to Ibalizumab
L. Poisson-Arnaud, Quentin le Hingrat, JC Plantier and E Alessandri-Gradt